To accompany each issue of Tekka, we highlight a few select, hard-to-find items that will interest Tekka subscribers. We seek out interesting new tools, equipment, books, and artifacts of all kinds. Supplies are usually very limited!
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My Name Is Captain, Captain
A stunning creation, for Mac and Windows, by Judd Morrissey and Lori Talley. From Eastgate. $25.
Cool new book from Amy Franceschini, principal of FutureFarmers and one of the most recognizable design voices of the modern Web. The collected work of what is arguably the least conventional design school surveyed in Curt Cloninger's classic, Fresh Styles for Web Designers , the freshest of the fresh. Lavishly illustrated. $50.
Joshua Davis dumped a whole year of photographs and Flash experiments into a single CD. It's literally the contents of his hard drive. A fascinating bundle for serious Flash developers and designers. $35.
Sponsored by Eastgate
Tekka, 134 Main Street, Watertown MA 02472 USA. email: editor@tekka.net info@tekka.net voice: +1 (617) 924-9044 (800) 562-1638