Byzantine Hypertexts
Hypertexts from the eleventh century! Tatiana Nikolova-Houston takes a close look at the hypertextuality of early Slavic manuscripts.
The Digital Juggler
Torill Mortensen finds lessons from the schoolyard that are transforming the way we work -- and the way we think about computer interfaces.
Blogs Make Them Feel Free
Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan has had his weblog blocked in Iran, but reports that weblogs are flourishing as an outlet for politics, for dating -- and for learning what goes on where you, yourself, cannot go.
Bugs are part of the software world. Two recent books on bugs are poles apart: one tells testers how to get along with programmers, while the other represents a former tester's bitter revenge.
Loot, Part Two
"I would have liked to have been in Baghdad when the museum was looted."
Mark Meadows reports from Iraq.
New Media
Donna Leishman presents The Possession of Christian Shaw, with introduction by Diane Greco