ISSN 1548-5374 Volume 2 Number 4

enjoying new media • software aesthetics
TEKKA: the art of technology. Indispensable!
The Discourse of Diet Blogs
Diets: Private, or public? Is your diet private, or a public act? Diane Greco looks at how blogging affects our desire for self-transformation.
The Wrong Fight
Ed Ward on why the music industry battle against downloads doesn't matter.
Thinking outside the click
The Semantic Web: A postmodern tool for getting at the Truth? A resource for serendipitous discovery? Self-publication? m.c. schraefel asks: Is the Semantic Web the next step in the Web's evolutionary process?
Hypertext Fiction
Finding the story in a networked fiction can, at times, be a daunting task. Stuart Moulthrop, hyperfiction pioneer in both critical theory and creative practice, trains two searchlights on the plot of his new netart, Marginal Effects: A Disorder of Attention.
Stuart Moulthrop