ISSN 1548-5374 Volume 3 Number 1

enjoying new media • software aesthetics
TEKKA: the art of technology. Indispensable!
The Wrong Fight, II
Will the value of the past keep the artifact of the record alive? Part II of Ed Ward's article on why the music industry's battle against downloads doesn't matter.
Thinking outside the click, II
"..if you don't have the time to hack through a huge set of keyword-matched pages, or if you don't know how to spell what you want, or if you don't know how to express what you want, then the information you may want is effectively invisible. "
Part II of m.c. schraefel's exploration of how to make the invisible visible.
The Ashbazu Effect by John G. McDaid:
After the bubble bursts, an unemployed word-hacker weeps at the cultural devastation wreaked by printing. A story of the first new media revolution.