Competition without Conflict
Our good old board games are based on military themes (Risk, Stratego, Battleship, Chess). But new games, says David Fristrom, are as likely to be inspired by pizza construction or potato farming, attracting new players who are turned off by direct conflict as they are interested in the social aspects of games and their intellectual challenges.
David Friström asks: "Is it possible to have a good game without conflict between the players?"
Rise of Nations
"Winning is simple, losing is not", says Mark Bernstein, claiming that too much of current literature is focusing on the winning aspect in games. But what about loss? What does losing a game teach us? Bernstein plays "Rise of Nations".
"The cognitive experience of learning to read in multiple directions at once so as to realign severed context is, to say the least, rather mind-bending," says George Landow in his introduction to Lyon's CellPoetics & TextStretcher.